Monday, July 14, 2008

My wild weekend

I had a most excellent weekend. There were no hot guys involved unfortunately, but it just goes to show that there is life beyond hunks.

Ok, so maybe there were a few hot guys involved. The fun all started at gym on Friday evening, where I shot my shoulder muscles to hell, while enjoying friendly banter with hot-muscle-dude. End of hunk-involvement-in-weekend. After that I went out with mates to a great restaurant and had African kudu hot-pot (which was really really good), and after that we went and smoked hookah (apple and grape-fruit flavour). It was really chilled, and most entertaining.

The next day there was no power... at all. And it was freezing. So I decided to go busk at the local farmer's market. Not sure if it was the cold weather or my impeccable music skills (sic), but I made more cash than ever before. A couple of afternoon naps later, went and hung out with same mates as night before, smoked hookah, ate sushi, had fun.

Yep, a pretty boring post. But I leave for my most-excellent-European-adventure on Wednesday, so hopefully I will have tons of exciting adventures to report on soon!

Here's my attempt at artistry:

Thought for the day:
Hookah is fun. But a real mess to clean up.

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