Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My big adventure

This morning I nearly drove into a kudu on my way to work. Unfortunately I didn't get a photograph because it ran into the bushes too quickly. I love this place!

Back on topic. I will soon be having a Big Adventure. Yep, the musclician is heading to Europe! Yeah, baby! I am being sent to Amsterdam for a conference, and of course it will be a good opportunity for academic networking and intellectual discussi.... snore! I am going to have a PARTY!!!

I keep reading about big-nights-out in various capitals of the world, usually involving hook-ups with hot strangers, back-rooms full of guys having sex and so on. M'self hath never experienced such activities before, and every time I read about it I get a weird feeling in my lower abdomen which I can't really decipher as envy, desire or just plain shock.

My main conundrum is that of course I know that such acts are unsafe, and are probably a bad idea. At the same time I can't help thinking: "everybody else does it, so why not, it will be so hot!?" (quite immature but one can't help the way one's abdomen feels, in spite of what one's brain is thinking).

So here is my plan: I am going to head off to Amsterdam (did I mention I was going through Paris on the way? Excellent!) and be a most respectable and impressive conference delegate by day, and a wild-yet-reserved party animal by night. Agenda of experiences to be gained on this trip:
  1. Go to actual gay club where real-life hotties hang out and get my fill of admiring guys who bat for the same team (somehow I find this strangely more exciting than admiring straight guys... perhaps it has something to do with me actually having a chance!)
  2. See if I can find one of those much-talked-about back rooms to confirm that they really do exist. Probably will not actually do anything, because with me the brain always seems to overpower the abdomen.
If there are any European reader's out there, or anyone who has "done" Amsterdam and has useful hints on where to go and what to see, I would be happy to hear your suggestions!

Observation for the day:
Kudu's don't give me weird feelings in my abdomen, but they sure do give me weird feelings in my heart.


Anonymous said...

I go to Amsterdam on business a lot. I'm leaving on Saturday to go there for my 5th time this year. Would love to give you some insight. Email me at if you are interested...

dickophile said...

i dont think its your abdomen. i think its your cock!

James said...

Have a wonderful time, but try to keep yourself nice. Don't do anything stupidly dangerous. Make some dutch friends and get them to show you around. Some people even organize that kind of thing in advance through ;)

musclician said...

dickophile: that probably has something to do with it, but its more than that... definitely pit of my stomach kind of feeling too.

james: thanks for the advice James, never thought about that. Just need to pluck up the courage to do that though!

Anonymous Blogger said...

interesting, they probably do exist. but be careful, even though you say you only want to look, temptation might get the best of you.